Saturday, August 31, 2019

the second day (part two)

Our world is made up of different kinds of shapes, we can notice shapes in our classroom and outside. We read the book, A Shape Can Be. We named and counted the shapes in the book and used our developing understanding of shapes to explore and build with pattern blocks. The children talked about the different shapes they used to build flowers and boats, bridges and castles.

Richard shared a bridge built out of trapezoids. He balanced a triangle on top. Through his share Richard was using math language, telling the story behind his structures, and working on essential speaking skills. This was our first math workshop share. Richard's peers demonstrated listening skills while they stood calmly around his work table.

This initial experience with pattern blocks provided opportunities for;

Noticing the lines shapes are made of (math- shape attributes)
Counting and comparing (math)
Naming shapes (math)
Talking about same and different (math and literacy)
Recognizing how our plan (or story) behind our work can shift and change
Sharing materials with peers, being flexible and using a different block (social and emotional)
Offering a shape to a friend
Practicing using a kind tone when negotiating materials
Using shapes to build letters (literacy)
Testing balance (science) 
Exploring symmetry 
Building patterns with shapes (math) 

Our conversations and support of students highlighted the specific learning happening during this experience. Language we use when talking with children includes, "I notice that..." and "Can you tell me about..." and "I wonder..." 








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