Saturday, September 14, 2019

the letter t

Can you find the letter t in names or words you know?
Can you build the letter t?
Top starts with a t. What other words start like top?

Using what we know about straight lines, the children practiced printing lower case t's in their first letter book. As we explore the alphabet this year, learning all of our letters, we will devote essential time to naming and printing letters as well as practicing and learning letter sounds. There will be a little book for each introduced letter. In the past, many children have eagerly collected all of the little letter books!

On Friday, the children wrote their first letter book. It is important for children to explore letter sounds. We noticed that t is in the word Today in our morning message. We noticed the word tent begins like top, but it also has a t at the end!

Do you have a t in your name?
Does anyone in your family have a t in their name?

You might want to go on a t search with your child this weekend. Listen for the t sound in different words. Try to make a t with your body or with sticks! If your child would like to bring in any of their work or play with t from the weekend, we will make sure to have time during our morning meeting for them to share.



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