Friday, October 18, 2019

poem work

On Monday we revisited our apple pie poem. Using teaching from both writing and reading workshop, the children engaged with our poem in different ways. We reread the poem together, we thought about what we could draw to show our poem, and we noticed repeating words in our poem.

Writers call to mind what they want to show or teach and use detail to put their ideas on paper.

The Kindergarteners came up with an individual plan and used a sticky note and black pen to draw their plan; a steaming pie with a heart cut into the top, a picture of two smiling people enjoying apples and love together, and apples hanging up so high. They used arrows, labels, and dashed lines- all skills and strategies we have developed during our writing workshop.


Readers notice repeating words and sight words in their reading. They find, point to, and read more and more words.

Later during our reading workshop share we used highlighters to highlight the repeating word apples in our poem. We noticed a new sight word that is also a repeating word in one of our favorite storybooks The Carrot Seed; up!

Our apple pie poem and previous apple poem are available for the children to reread during our reading workshop.



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