Saturday, November 16, 2019

alphabet art

As part of our work hearing beginning sounds in words we have read and explored many different kinds of letter and alphabet books. Every Kindergarten classroom should have a collection of alphabet books- they are often the children's favorite books to read with peers.

One of our new choices during academic choice is the building of a beautiful alphabet wall. Using illustrations inspired by Kim Krans the children have chosen pages from the book ABC Dream to represent using permanent marker and watercolor paints. Their representations include an uppercase letter and illustrations beginning with the letter's sound. This choice supports students in developing their letter-sound correspondence, drawing and representational skills, letter identification, and supports their ongoing growth in forming different kinds of lines.

A for an apple and ants.
B for a branch, butterfly, and braid. 
D for dog and door.
F for ferns and fiddleheads. 
K for kittens.

The documentation on our large white easel has encouraged math conversations during snack. How many letters are done? How many more do we need? How many letters in our alphabet? 






Possible next steps for this choice;

children can draw and label other things that begin with a specific letter and we can hang their drawings underneath

we can photocopy the letters and all children can have their own alphabet book made by their peers 

children could continue to create letter cards to live at home

we could create a large beautiful alphabet wall to live in our primary common

an extension from this choice could be to create your own little alphabet book

other ways to engage with the alphabet; create a class alphabet puzzle using letter-sound

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